Twinkal Patel

Hi, I am Twinkal !

I am a A passionate Front-end React Developer developing interactive UI

I possess 1+ year of practical experience in front-end development, demonstrating proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React. Currently working on my own project to enhance my skills. I am developing an open source design system for reusable components. You can check it out at OPEN UI.

About Me !

Get to know me

Welcome to my corner of the internet! I'm a passionate and self-taught React developer. My name is Twinkal Patel, In the world of web development, I'm having primary focus on making dynamic user interfaces using front-end technologies.

I'ave a wide range of hobbies and passions that keep me busy. From writing a code, drawing, reading, and travelling, I am always seeking a new opportunities to learn and grow.

My Skills







Tailwind CSS



My Projects

OPEN UI - Design System

OPEN UI - Design System

An Open Source component library built with React and TypeScript.

It is a collection of accessible, reusable, and composable React components for building design systems, websites, and web applications. You can use it as a whole, or pick and choose the components you want to use. It is as easy like copy-paste. You can give it different style and variant as per your need.



Fully on-chain game made with blockchain technology.

Underverse is a Web3 game made with blockchain technology. I got a valuable experience of working with Web3 Technology in my previous company. In this game, Users can sign in with their Web3 accounts to play this game. The game allows users to buy weapons, sell them, make a team, find other users, attack enemies and get ranks.